16 september

Presented by Kalinago Entertainment
El Regreso Way
17mins 11sec, director
Francisco Diaz
Documentary. Dominican Republic
An immigrant odyssey, it is the story of a woman
who left her life in the Dominican Republic in the
early 1980's for the south-side of Williamsburg,
Brooklyn. Despite difficulty and temptation, she
upholds her dignity and her pursuit of the
American Dream.
Nine Nights
13mins 26sec, director
Ishmahil Blagrove
Documentary. Jamaica
Family and friends from all over the world gather
in Mandeville, Jamaica, for the funeral of Aunt
Iris, a remarkable woman, a true matriarch. They
mourn and celebrate her passing for nine nights.
The Canon Break Dance
3mins 35sec, director
Gabriel Lora
Musical film. Dominican Republic
This is a short musical film celebrating New York
City's suburban street dancers.
Got paper? At what cost
15mins 57sec, director
Naomi Howard
Documentary. Trinidad & Tobago
This documentary mainly explores the global issue
of recycling paper and the effects of this process
on both the human body and the environment.
While recycling offers a solution to our paper
problem, it indirectly creates health and
environment issues.
Dreaming a dream
1min, director Gabriel
Animation comedy. Dominican Republic
Sebastian Lora applying for ‘the best job in the
world’ in Australia, narrates how he is the best
choice for this position, making a quick summary
of his life since childhood.
The power of the Vagina
25mins, director Jimmel Daniel
Documentary. Trinidad & Tobago
The power of the vagina, is a documentary that
seeks to explore and understand the myths
surrounding a woman’s vagina, her sexuality and
the perceived power held within. All from a
Trinidadian’s perspective. This controversial topic
brings to light the issues surrounding a woman’s
rites to her own body in today’s society and seeks
to answer one question:- Does the VAGINA really
have power?
15min pause
Un homme dans sa Ville
25mins, director Frances-Anne
Documentary. Trinidad & Tobago
Haitian writer Dany Laferriere grew up under the
stifling dictatorship of Duvalier, before deciding to
go into exile in Quebec. In this documentary, Dany
takes us on a tour of Montreal, showing us those
places that hold special meaning for him, and
discussing his success in accepting, and being
accepted by, his adopted home. A fascinating man
in a charming city.
De band passing
20mins 00sec, director
Deron Brown
Drama. Trinidad & Tobago
Mary, a Trinidadian student in her late twenty’s,
in her room. She wakes as her alarm clock goes
off. Realizing that carnival has started Mary starts
to get ready to leave. At the same time she tries to
wake her eternally sleeping roommate...
The science of Sleep
director Wendel McShine
Animation. Trinidad & Tobago
25mins 00sec, director
Frances-Anne Solomon
Documentary. Trinidad & Tobago
In 1943, three hundred middle class "coloured"
women from across the West Indies were recruited
to the ATS, a branch of the British Army. This
documentary documents for the first time the
contribution of these women to WW2.
The Faces of the Slave Trade
16mins, director Neigeme
Documentary. Trinidad & Tobago
History is often perceived differently by those who
live it, so too is the way it effects them. This
documentry, will be looking at what the bicentennial
of the abolition of the slave trade means to
the descendants of slaves in Great Britain today.
Supported by the Trinidad Tourism Development Co.
to schedule