269 Portobello Road, W11 1LR

Ukrainian & Canadian Films

6 pm

Julie Lambert Documentaire/Documentary, Canada, 2022, 48min39.
FEMMES DES BOIS offers a foray into the singular world of forest encampments where, for work, women and men from here and elsewhere meet. It is through the eyes of women who have chosen to work there that we will discover these micro-societies that are formed over the sivicultural seasons. Documentary U

Le milieu du garage / The Middle of the Garage
Lisa Bolduc. Fiction, Canada, 2022, 13min01. 12A. Drama.
The mysterious arrival of a huge trunk in the garage of Pierre's house turns his life upside down. At 55, with time passing too slowly and dreams gone, loneliness suddenly seems less burdensome. The strange appearance of the object became Pierre's only obsession, and the discovery of its contents, a new goal in life.

Vincent L’Hérault & Tim Anaviapik Soucie. Documentaire/Documentary, Canada, 2022, 27min13. U
Tim is a young father living in Pond Inlet, Nunavut. As his grandfather did before, he wants to start his own research to study water quality to benefit its community. Tim embarks on an inspiring journey that will lead to empowerment and cultural revitalization. The experience becomes an awakening for Tim and his team, a wind of change and adaptation for the community challenging the modern reality of the Canadian Arctic.

Maxime Robin. Fiction, Canada, 2022, 13min34.
Young Maxime's mother starts worrying about her son when he is declared "not normal" by his 2nd grade teacher. After a distressing visit to the hospital, she decides to confront the teacher, only to see the whole situation in a new light when the most trivial misunderstanding occurs. A short movie about gender, especially when it’s projected on others. 12A Drama

Clair / Obscur | Chiaroscuro
Elias Djemil-Matassov Experimental, Canada, 2022, 8min59.
Chiaroscuro… it is between the light and the dark that life operates in contrasts. Between the puppeteer and the puppet. Between shadow and light. The hands, moving or static, bring and transmit emotions. A reciprocal relationship between the puppet and those who give it life, emotions flow in both directions. It is the story of the memory that is born and that dies. But memory rarely dies, to tell the truth. 12 Art

Anne-Marie Bouchard. Experimental, Canada, 2022, 3min04 U
Formed by visual and sound loops, this work explores organic textures related to images shot in Gaspésie in 1966.

On Another Frequency
Chloé Gayraud Creative documentary Canada 13 mins U
An invitation to experience another dimension of life, thanks to a subjective treatment of reality. An organic creation based on the magical realism of a life in the woods.
A dream like portrait.

PATRICK. DIONNE 18 minutes. 12A. Canada/ Colombia
YULÍ is a journey through the reflections of a young Colombian, who, influenced by the news media, struggles with her fears and prejudices toward a neighbourhood that has a bad reputation.

Natxo Leuza. 22 min. Ukraine. Documentary
Why this war? why are they shooting at us? why are they destroying everything? why am I afraid?
why do they want to kill us? why such hatred? Why do they murder our children? Why do they humiliate us? Why do they take everything from us? Why do I have to run away? Why has someone decided to erase everything? G-VG 15

When will the winter of 2022 end?
Hanna Trofimova Documentary 24 mins
With the beginning of the full-scale war of the russian federation against Ukraine, I was in Kyiv, filming what was happening to me and the people around me. I filmed my observations of others from my balcony, walked the streets, stood in line at the shop and tried to put my life in a new reality.
The film consists of videos I shot during three months of full-scale war and my diary entries that I kept at the time.
U. Ukraine

Hanna Trofimova Documentary. 42 mins.
Three different stories of people from the Ukrainian LGBT community, united by one war line. No matter what decision was made, the war left a deep mark on the lives of heroines and heroes.
12. Ukraine

Lyuba, tomorrow
24 mins. Documentary Spain
Lybuba, a Ukrainian refugee, and her brother and mother move to Spain during the current war in Ukraine. 12A.

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